The second tip addresses the extremely important concept of first impressions.
Real estate agents have to convey trust, professionalism, and friendliness within a few seconds of seeing their prospective buyer or seller. A tall order!
We’ve been taught to smile, stand up straight, look ‘em in the eye, and give a confident-but-not-crushing handshake. You have to dress and groom nicely, use an upbeat-tone of voice… You know the drill!
Even though you may think you have first impressions down pat, the Internet has changed everything.
- According to NAR’s 2015 Real Estate in a Digital Age, a resounding 94% of Millennials and 84% of Baby Boomers search for homes online. What’s more, typical buyers conduct 10 or more online searches before meeting with an agent!
- A discussion of search trends is incomplete without recognizing the huge swell in the use of mobile devices. NAR also reported that 89% of new home shoppers use a mobile search engine before seeing an agent and throughout their search.
- Nielsen research indicates that 7 out of 10 consumers worldwide think branded websites are the most trust-worthy online advertising format.
Here’s what these numbers mean for your business: the same trustworthiness and professionalism that you project in person must first be conveyed on a mobile-friendly website. This conclusion leads us to our second and third tips:
Tip #2: Make your website a great “first impression” for prospects who research you before meeting.
Tip #3: Ensure that your website is easy to use, visually appealing, and mobile friendly.
Thanks to the Internet, the first and most important impression that your prospects have about you is now formed on a screen, before you ever see them.
And just like in a face-to-face meeting, excellent online first impressions don’t happen by accident.
Unless you are a capable web developer and have impeccable taste in design and user-friendly functionality, you will definitely want some help in projecting an online presence as good as your real-life presence.
Today’s Action: Determine the future of your website design and maintenance … DIY or outsourced.
- Take a look at your website. Is it up-to-date and easy to use?
- Does your website look great and function perfectly on any screen size?
- Does your website have a form where visitors can give you their email addresses to stay in touch?
- Is your website quick and easy for you to maintain and update?
- Do you have a user-friendly content management system?
If you realize that professional web design is necessary for a professional first impression, reply back to this email and I’ll schedule some time to show you examples of beautiful websites designed on the Agent SITE platform.